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COBie for Building Owners

Welcome to the forefront of building data management! As dedicated COBie consultants, we specialize in streamlining your Construction Operations Building Information Exchange (COBie) process. Our goal is to help building owners like you optimize your building's lifecycle management efficiently and effectively.

Building Information

COBie is a data format designed to standardize the capture and recording of building information. It plays a crucial role in facility management, allowing for accurate, up-to-date information regarding every aspect of your building. From design and construction to operation and maintenance, COBie helps keep your data organized and accessible.

Modern Architecture
New York Office
New York Office

Benefits for Building Owners

  • Expertise: Our team has extensive knowledge and experience in COBie consulting.

  • Efficiency: Streamline your operations, saving time and reducing costs in designing, delivering and operation of buildings.

  • Data Integrity: Ensure your building data is accurate and reliable.

  • Tailored Support: Personalized service to meet your specific building management requirements.

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