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COBie for Facility Managers

Facility managers, it's time to elevate your building's operational efficiency with our expert COBie consulting services. Embrace the power of Construction Operations Building information exchange (COBie) to obtain and manage the data of your facilities with unparalleled precision and foresight.

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Why COBie for Facility Managers

COBie is more than just a data format; it's a comprehensive solution that ensures all building information is structured and easily accessible for facility management tasks. It simplifies the handover process by organizing data into a standardized format that is beneficial for operations, maintenance, asset management, and space planning.

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Benefits for Facility Managers

  • Data Transitioning: Seamless migration of your existing building data into the COBie format.

  • Asset Management: Enhanced tracking and management of every asset in your facility.

  • Maintenance Scheduling: Simplified and predictive maintenance planning using COBie data.

  • Space Optimization: Utilize COBie to optimize space utilization and management.

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